I am writing this from my computer again instead of my laptop. Woo hoo! It is great to have it working again and even better working with Windows 7. Man I don’t know how I ever got by without a 64bit version of Windows. Windows 7 64bit ROCKS! I am loving it. I had to just write briefly and say how much I love that fact that my machine is working again and that I will soon be posting the Reflection class that I blogged about previously. Also I want to give a quick shout-out. I work with two of the best programmers and all-around good guys in the whole world, Dan and Josh. They just recently got new blogs up so I wanted to put up some links to them. If you like Flash and or code go check them out. Dan’s blog Josh’s blog
Good thing you have your computer back! And how sweet is that to be running 64 bits now.